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Showing posts from November, 2009

नौलो संसार- १

(हर्क गुरुङ प्रत्येक बिकासप्रेमी नेपालीहरुको मनको अबिस्मरणिय नाम हो । हर्क गुरुङ लाई जसरी चिन्दा पनि हुन्छ भुगोलबिद, योजनाबिद, कार्टोग्राफर, पदयात्री वा संरक्षणकर्मी । लमजुङको तराँचेमा एउटा लाहुरे परिवारमा जन्मेका गुरुङ नेपाल को भुगोललाई सबैभन्दा नजिकबाट चिन्ने नेपाली हुन । पोखरा को भौगोलिक सर्बेक्षण बिषयमा विध्यावारीधी गरेका गुरुङ को यात्रा ब्रितान्त "The Vignette of Nepal" को नेपाली रुपान्तर "मैले देखेको नेपाल" म अहिले दोश्रो पटक पढिरहेको छु । यही पुस्तकका एकदमै मन छुने केही अंशहरु "Milan's Blog" का अबका केही पोस्टहरुमा । हुनत प्रतिलिपी अधिकारका अनेकन धाराहरुले यसलाई गैरकानुनी भन्न सक्छन तर म जस्ता आफ्नो देशको बारेमा बढी भन्दा बढी जानकारी राख्न चाहनेहरुका लागि यो प्रेरणादायक हुनेछ र हर्क गुरुङ प्रतिको साँचो श्रद्धान्जली पनि ।।।।।। यो पालोमा थाहा पाऔँ लम्जुङको सुदुर गाउँको "ठुला " ले देखेको नौलो संसारको कथा ।।।।। ) .....तराँचे मध्य नेपालको लमजुङ जिल्ला मा पर्ने एउटा सानो गाउँ हो, जुन गाउँ मर्स्याङ्दी नदिको देब्रे किनारमा अवस्थित छ। यस गाउँ

Pokhara Declaration

The first international workshop on community forestry held in Pokhara, Nepal from September 15-18, 2009 concluded with eight-point declaration. About 200 representatives of diverse stakeholders from communities, governments, civil society and other development partners from over 30 countries participated in the workshop. Pokhara Declaration Recognizing that local communities and indigenous peoples have demonstrated the capacity to organize and act towards sustainable management, utilization and democratic governance of forests; and their legitimate claims for the recognition of their land and forest rights worldwide. Recognizing the wide range of institutional, entrepreneurial and governance innovations by communities and their partners; Recognizing the emergence of grassroots networks, federations and associations influencing governance at different scales, and advocating for the rights of local, indigenous, poor and socially marginalized communities; Recognizing the positive steps

एअरपोर्ट दैनिकी

बिहानै भालेको डाँकसँगै उठ्नु; एअरपोर्ट को गेट मा पुग्नु; एअरलाईन्सहरुको काउन्टरमा गएर बोल्दा पनि पैसा पर्ला जस्तो गर्ने रुखा कर्मचारीहरुसँग दबेको भाषामा जहाजको बारेमा बुझ्नु र निरास भएर फेरी होटल म फर्किनु दैनिकी जस्तै भएको छ गएको हप्ता देखी । ओहो सर अझै यतै ! हेर्नुन म आको त आज ११ दिन भै सक्यो, तपाईं कहिले देखी हो ! आज जान्छ रे त ! आज त चान्स नै भएन यार ! जस्ता वार्तालाप ले बिहान देखी साँझ नपरेसम्म पछ्याइरहन्छ । यो क्रम सधैं चलिरहेको छ कर्णाली जाने यात्रु (जनता र कर्मचारीहरु)को । हुनत दुर्गम भनेर धेरै कुराहरुमा प्राथमिकता र आरक्षण गरिएको छ कर्णाली र यहाँका नागरिकहरुलाई तर पनि वास्तविकता भोग्नेलाई मात्रै थाहा छ । कर्णालीमा जागिर सुरु गरेको १ बर्ष हुनै लाग्यो तर आवत जावतको यो समस्याले गर्दा यो समयको पनि राम्रै हिस्सा एअरपोर्ट (सुर्खेत र नेपालगन्ज) वरिपरी होटेल मा नै बसेर बितेको छ । यहिनै नियती हो कर्णालीमा बस्ने र काम गर्ने धेरै कर्मचारीहरुको, जनताको । कर्णाली का ५ जिल्ला हरु (कालिकोट, जुम्ला, हुम्ला, डोल्पा र मुगु) मध्य कालिकोट जिल्लामा मात्रै काम चलाऊ सडक पुगेको छ त्यो पनि सदरमुका

Say No To WFP

We have frequently heard about the United Nations World Food Program (WFP). WFP supplies food (rice, pulse and now even potatoes) to the remote districts of Nepal and in the World, where enough food cannot be grown for the whole year. This program supplying food for many districts of Nepal in the Name of Food For Work from East to West. Karnali Zone and its surrounding are some of those districts of Nepal where WFP supplies food. Primarily WFP is another name of "Rice" in these districts. People know WFP as a rice supplier in Karnali and adjoining areas. Seeing surfacely, it is one of the poor based program in Karnali and elsewhere in the world. But in depth it has played a significant negative role in the livelihood, economy, food habit and ultimately in the culture of people living there. Some of these negative effect of WFP are as follows and can be seen in these pictures too. Expensive and Less possible Transportation: WFP is giving high rate of transportation fare to th

Innovation: Can technology persuade us to save energy?

If technology is to save us from climate change, it has some tough challenges to master: taming wave, wind and sun, cheaply scrubbing carbon dioxide from the air or mastering fusion. But a growing number of people think another should be added to the list: mastering human nature. This "persuasive technology" would sway people to adopt less polluting behaviour and may come in the form of new gadgets and online services or new features for existing technology. Energy savings from behavioural change can be dismissed as advanced marketing techniques and may seem trivial compared with the esoteric materials science that is needed to harvest solar energy more efficiently. But there is much to be gained. Last week New Scientist reported that US emissions could be cut by more than 7 per cent if people changed their ways at home. Separate studies in US, Dutch and British homes have reported that 26 to 36 per cent of domestic energy use is "behavioural" – determined by the wa