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Showing posts from October, 2010


यसपाली नि कुलो सुख्खा सुख्खै रह्यो पाटो हजुर । गैरि खेतमै धाँजा फाट्यो जर्जर भयो माटो हजुर । नहरहरु प्वालै प्वाल छन्, चुहिन्छ त्यो कुलो पनि धान झुल्ने फाँटहरुमा कमिलाको बाटो हजुर ।। थुनिएर रस्यानहरु भरिएलाकी कुलो, फाँट भन्ने आशका घाउहरुमा आशकै लाग्यो खाटो हजुर ।।

अविस्मरणीय भोक

असोजको महिना भएपनि मौसमले शरदको रुप लिइसकेको थिएन । मौसम खराव भएकोले कैयौँ दिनदेखि उडान नहुँदा यात्रुहरु रारा(ताल्चा) विमानस्थलमा अलपत्र परेका छन् भन्ने खबरले हाम्रो पनि यात्रामा तगारो हाल्ने हो की भन्ने शंका त मनमा छँदै थियो । तर मौसम हामीसँग दयालु भइदियो । बिहानै देखी मौसममा आएको सुधारले हामीलाइ एकहदसम्म खुसी नै बनायो । बिहानको नित्यकर्म सकेपछि हामी गमगढी छोड्ने तयारी गर्न लाग्यौँ । लामै बिदामा निस्कन लागेको हुनाले सबै कर्मचारी साथीहरुलाइ दशैँको शुभकामना सहित बिदा भयौँ । हवाइ यात्रा बाहेक अर्को विकल्प नभएको त्यो बिकट सदरमुकामबाट बिमानस्थल पुग्न लगभग २ घण्टाको नाकै ठोकिने ठाडो उकालो हिँड्नु पर्थ्यो । हामी दुइ जना थियौँ - डटेन्द्र गोले दाइ र म । काँधमा झोला बोकेर दाजुभाइ लाग्यौँ ताल्चा एअरपोर्टको बाटो । बिहानैदेखी खच्चरहरु काममा लागीसकेका रहेछन् । साँघुरो गोरेटोमा खच्चरहरुलाइ बाटो दिँदै हामी अगाडी बढीरह्यौँ । करिब आधा घण्टाको हिँडाइपछि गाउँ छिचोलियो, हामी उकालोको फेदमा आइपुग्यौँ । स्थानीयले काठ घिसार्दा र पहराबाट ढुंगा निकाल्दा बाटाभरी छरिएका धारीला चट्टानहरुको कारणले बाटो हिँड्न स...

बडादशैँको शुभकामना

हट्यो सारा हिलो मैलो हरायो पानीको बर्षा । भवानीको भयो पुजा चल्यो आनन्दको चर्चा ।। जता जाउँ उतै भन्छन् दशैँ आयो, दशैँ आयो ।। यही आनन्द चर्चाले सबै संकष्ट बिर्सायो ।। सम्पुर्ण हिन्दुहरुको महान् चाड बडादशैँ को पावन अवसरमा मिलनब्लग यहाँहरुको जिवनमा समृध्दी, प्रगती, र शान्तिको लागी हार्दिक मंगलमय शुभकामना व्यक्त गर्दछ ।।। ( Milan’s Blog wishes you for Peace, Prosperity and Happiness in your life in this  auspicious occasion of BADA DASHAIN, the Greatest Festival of all the Hindus).

Mystery of Playing Cards

(The Season of Festivals arrived in Nepal and I think Those festivals will be incomplete without the Playing Cards (Poker Cards). Every people know the Playing Cards very well but there are some more interesting facts behind those cards. Let’s find out some of the artistic explanations about the Playing Cards.) The mystery of playing cards is that we don't know exactly who invented them. Playing cards date back to somewhere between A.D. 800 and A.D. 1100. There is reference to them in an ancient Chinese dictionary that said they were originated during the time of Seun-Ho around 1120. Supposedly, he used them to amuse and entertain himself and the people he lived with. In Egypt and India they were used for religious purposes. At first, cards were round in shape. If you've ever dropped a deck of cards, you can appreciate how much easier it would be to pick them all up and get them aligned with circular cards! In about 1500, the cards changed and started depicting the kings and...

NASA launches SERVIR-Himalaya Programme with ICIMOD

The SERVIR-Himalaya system has been launched on 5 th October 2010, by Mr. Charles F. Bolden Jr., NASA Administrator, and Mr. Michael Yates, Senior Deputy Assistant Administrator of USAID in Kathmandu. The launch had been held on the occasion of the international symposium, 'Benefiting from Earth Observation: Bridging the Data Gap for Adaptation to Climate Change in the Hindu Kush-Himalayan Region' , which started on 4 th October. SERVIR is an earth observation, monitoring, and visualisation system that integrates satellite and other geospatial data as a contribution to improved scientific knowledge to support decision-making by managers, researchers, students, and the general public. Initiated by NASA and USAID, SERVIR has been recognised by the Group on Earth Observations (GEO), as an early achiever of the GEO vision.